
Corrales MainStreet Arts & Cultural District

The Corrales Arts & Cultural District is an artisan district that aligns with the Corrales MainStreet District, the existing Corrales Business District and Corrales Road Scenic Byway. The district is linked directly to a Cultural Compound that includes the historic San Ysidro Church and Casa San Ysidro Museum. The district features 25 local organizations and businesses that support and/or conduct arts events, Corrales is featured in the New Mexico Collector’s Guide, presents an annual Fine Arts and Crafts show, as well as the Music in Corrales concert series. The village hosts the Corrales Arts and Studio Tour that includes 135 artists. Other major arts events include Art in the Park, Makers’ Market, an Art Fair during Harvest Fest, and the seasonal Holiday Art Fest. The vision for the district is anchored in the unique rural/agricultural heritage of the village that draws visitors and tourists to the area.

Learn more about Corrales:



(505) 350-3955

Angela Gutierrez

Corrales MainStreet Arts & Cultural District Executive Director

A proud HillTopper and graduate of Los Alamos High School, Angela is a home-grown New Mexican. Post high school, she attended the University of Arkansas Little Rock on a Division-One soccer scholarship. Earning a Bachelor of Arts in Human Communication Theory and Marketing, her career experience highlights sales, problem-solving, and work in the world of philanthropy. She lives in Corrales, where she and her husband are raising their children and contributing to the vitality of the village through a family-owned business. Angela joined Corrales MainStreet as a board member in 2020 and transitioned to the Executive Director position in July of 2021. She joined the organization because she believes strongly in community service and the value of volunteering.

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