Los Alamos

Los Alamos MainStreet and Creative District

Los Alamos is renowned for being home to the world’s most creative scientific minds. In 1942, during the Second World War, the US Government was searching for the perfect location for its top-secret weapons development program, the Manhattan Project. In 1943, thousands of scientists and workers arrived to develop the world’s first atomic weapon. Los Alamos remained at the forefront of weapons’ technology during the Cold War era, but has since diversified into all branches of scientific research, leading the way in computer development, environmental efforts, and medical breakthroughs. In 1981, the installation became the Los Alamos National Labs (LANL), and is home to 36 square miles of research and testing facilities.

A community with a history of innovation is also a strong creative community with many cultural and historic amenities. The Fuller Lodge Art Center celebrates Los Alamos’ past and present, once used as a wartime guest quarters and mess hall, it is now a community arts center. The Bradbury Science Museum is an outstanding example of the efforts of Los Alamos’ creative minds to represent the past and present scientific achievements of the area. Los Alamos ScienceFest honors the town’s unique creative heritage and promotes STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) to the community and visitors alike.

During the summer, the Los Alamos Creative District hosts weekly Tuesdays at the Pond events at the outdoor performance space on the west end of the downtown district. The District also convenes Fourth Friday events and On Tap Series, held on the first and third Thursday of the month to provide opportunities for people to engage in arts activities and cultural topics while enjoying refreshing beverages.

The Creative District and partners provide community arts and crafts fairs, gallery tours, and festivals, they helped install multiple public arts pieces and supported the launch of a studio art tour that began in the district.

In 2015, several new cultural institutions and creative businesses opened in the district, including the PEEC Nature Center, UnQuarked Wine Room, Los Alamos Beer Co-op, High Elevation Restaurant and the Manhattan Project National Historical Park.

Learn more about Los Alamos:



(505) 661-4844

Jacquelyn Connolly (she/her)

Los Alamos MainStreet and Creative District Executive Director

Jacquelyn works for Los Alamos Commerce and Development Corporation as the Executive Director of MainStreet and Creative District. Los Alamos Mainstreet is a state-accredited New Mexico MainStreet program whose mission is to revitalize and diversify the local economy and downtown business district in both Los Alamos and White Rock, as well as preserve cultural and historic resources. The Creative District is a strategy to capitalize on and advance the expansion of the creative economy.

Hailing from Denver, she previously worked as a curator for the Denver International Airport Art Program and the Emmanuel Gallery at the University of Colorado at Denver. Prior to that, she worked as a public art administrator for Creative Colorado (Colorado’s State Arts Agency) and the City of Denver. Through her business as an independent arts and project management consultant, Jacquelyn’s experience as an arts administrator brought together artists, the community, businesses, and local government. Organizing events, exhibitions, and public art projects are her specialty.

After relocating to Los Alamos in 2018 with her husband and three children, Connolly joined several boards and organizations to learn more about the community and get involved locally. Currently, she is a member of the Art in Public Places Board for Los Alamos, 505 Swing, and part of the 2023 Los Alamos Leadership Class.

When not working she can be found hiking and camping with her family, reading, or swing dancing!

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