Historic Downtown Farmington Arts & Cultural District
The Farmington Arts & Cultural District is an artisan district that overlaps with the Farmington Historic Downtown Commercial District and is located in an area the Navajos named “Totah,” meaning, “Three Waters,” where the Animas, San Juan, and La Plata rivers converge to the south and west of the district. The district focuses mainly on Main Street and Broadway, with more than 100 commercial buildings with storefronts oriented to the street and continuous shared side walls. The downtown district contains an eclectic mix of galleries, one-of a-kind shared side walls, locally-owned retail stores, restaurants, and salons, and includes Red Apple Transit Stops.

A city park is located at the “Heart” of the district, along with the E3 Children’s Museum, Farmington Civic Center, and the Navajo Art and Culture Museum. In total, the district’s 100+ plus properties represent a coherent record of the development of a regional marketing center for the San Juan agricultural valley dating from 1906 through 1956. Architectural styles and building typologies trace the path and pattern of market center development from railroad-era growth, 1906-1923, to the oil and gas economic boom of the 1950s. The corridor formed by these structures, jammed tight along both sides of the sidewalk defines the street wall.
Learn more about Farmington:

• /downtownfarmingtonnm
• /nwnmac1
(505) 599-8442
Karen Lupton
Historic Downtown Farmington MainStreet Coordinator

Karen Lupton is the Downtown Coordinator for Farmington MainStreet. Having lived in New Mexico for the past 23 years, she has worked in financial services and small business consulting and now brings those skills to her current position as the Coordinator of Farmington’s MainStreet. Karen is also an active board member of the River Reach Foundation which works to promote, enhance & protect the rivers and trail system in and around Farmington.
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